Betekenis van:
filling station
filling station
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- plaats om brandstof te tanken; plaats waar brandstof verkocht wordt; station om te tanken; benzinestation; plaats om brandstof te tanken
- a service station that sells gasoline
- He got his car washed at the filling station.
- Identifying the station by filling in the EoI station code is not mandatory, but highly recommended.
- ‘Filling unit or receptacle’ means a device fitted in the vehicle external or internal (engine compartment) used to fill the container in the filling station.
- Hydrogen-powered vehicles are unlikely to be successful on the market unless adequate filling-station infrastructure is made available in Europe.
- The Commission should therefore look into suitable measures to support the establishment of a Europe-wide filling-station network for hydrogen-powered vehicles.
- As the reimbursement mechanisms will, according to third parties, accept all filling station receipts regardless of the fact whether the vehicle used German motorways or other roads.
- Road hauliers should present filling station receipts or credit card company vouchers from Germany, each stating the registration number of the concerned vehicle, and request for a toll reimbursement within the deadline each year.
- The proof of payment will consist of presenting appropriate filling station receipts or fuel credit card company vouchers from Germany, in each case stating the registration number of the refuelled vehicle liable for the toll.
- The German authorities also argue that the reimbursement system does not foresee in a mechanism which would allow for the acceptance of all appropriate filling station receipts regardless of the fact of whether the vehicle used German motorways or other roads.
- First, the reimbursement, as it seems, is not linked to the real use of motorways in Germany. As the reimbursement mechanisms will, according to third parties, accept all filling station receipts regardless of the fact whether the vehicle used German motorways or other roads.